
09 Mar 2015

2015 USNWR Top 20 Rankings with +/- changes

Note USNWR calls this “2016″ Rankings 1. Yale 2. Harvard 3. Stanford (+1) 4. Columbia 5. Chicago 6. NYU 7. Penn 8. UVa 9. Berkeley (+1) 10. Duke (+2) 11. Michigan (-1) 12. Northwestern 13. Cornell 14. GULC (-1) 15. Texas 16. UCLA 17. Vanderbilt (-1) 18. Wash U

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16 Feb 2015

The 25 Most "Underrated" Law Schools

We looked at every ABA Accredited law school to assess their latest US News & World Report ranking (2015) against their Law School Transparency employment score here [http://spiveyconsulting.com/blog/which-law-schools-give-the-biggest-employment-value-relative-to-their-rankings/] . For the below, we have now sorted through a variety of categories to derive a ranking, which for kicks and giggles we will call an "underrated law schools” ranking. This list does not include unranked schools because

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16 Feb 2015

Which Law Schools Give The Biggest Employment Value Relative to Their Rankings?

We compiled a list of every ABA Accredited law school, along with their latest US News & World Report ranking and their Law School Transparency employment score. To determine which law schools are the most underrated relative to the above, we plotted this data (see below) and came up with a linear trend line, then measured each data point’s vertical distance from the trend line. This distance is also called the “Residual,” which you can see below for each law school. Positive residuals indicate

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01 May 2013

USNWR v. ATL Top 50

A quick look at individual school differences between USNWR and ATL rankings, with USNWR as the baseline.  The first numerical column indicates school that gained in the ATL rankings, while the second column indicates schools that went down. No number equates to neither a rise or gain. Note this does not show which schools dropped out. In respect to students rating Career Services Offices, the highest schools (all with an A+) were Stanford, Harvard, Penn, UVA, Berkeley, NYU, North Carolina, Ne

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16 Feb 2013

US News Rankings (with +/-) from 2012/2013

Here is a look at last year’s rankings, with who moved up and down, in anticipation of the upcoming rankings release: 2012-13 USNWR Top 100 Law Schools Rank . Law School. 2012-13 ranking.  Change in rank 1. Yale (1, -) 2. Stanford (3, +1) 3. Harvard (2, -1) 4. Columbia (4, -) 5. Chicago (5, -) 6. NYU (6, -) 7. UC-Berkeley (9, +2) 8. Penn (7, -) 9. Virginia (9, +2) 10. Michigan (7, -3) 11. Duke (11, -) 12. Northwestern (11, -1) 13. Georgetown (14, +1) 14. Co

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