Podcast: How Mike Spivey Would Apply to Law School
This is a very encompassing podcast that features the A to Z of the law school admissions process.
Read full postThis is a very encompassing podcast that features the A to Z of the law school admissions process.
Read full postSomething we encounter all too often is applicants who put so much pressure on themselves when they are taking the LSAT that it ends up being counterproductive, barring them from performing near the highest level of which they are capable.
Read full postWe have our first data update for the September LSAT administration.
Read full postLSAC hasn't released final July numbers yet, but they did give a preliminary update and we are now starting to get some real data for this upcoming cycle.
Read full postSo we do have some post-June information now that LSAC has updated their data with the scores from that test.
Read full postNAPLA Conference LSAC Slide Show A member of Spivey Consulting was in attendance at the Northeast Association of Pre Law Advisers conference these past few days. LSAC presented updates, and we have pictures of the slides to share, as well as other comments they made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes and Takeaways July Test * They mentioned that 28,000+ registered for July, which was welcome since they were hoping for a large pool t
Read full postThe New Rules As was initially reported, LSAC is updating their policy on LSAT retakes, to take effect starting with the September 2019 administration. You can read the full policy here [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.lsac.org_lsat_taking-2Dlsat_lsat-2Dfaqs&d=DwMFaQ&c=5qaU24Emulp-fzgwXAWUyHfhV6KzVMOip5exfSC7BVM&r=grRbnN_chtUZLV99br5C-GtssMBhU3ixsu7V8zizYqU&m=SfDwU2WHg9CyAewJWeqY1i12MH0GRzfFP71l2GtKk10&s=WPojKEpfSHK0Da_EW4BHr9LHmbVmD_cxvJKlwzUkPO8&e=] , but we'll summari
Read full postFirst of all, congratulations to all June LSAT test takers. It's over, it's done, go crack a beer or indulge in some ice cream. Or both, who are we to tell you what to do? And above all, take a day to think about literally anything but the LSAT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Shouldn't I Cancel? Once you're done relaxing, it's time to think about the test and your next steps. Invariably after each LSAT administration we see many hundreds
Read full postWe have breaking and what amounts to record-setting news, although it's not the kind of "record-setting news" that applicants generally want to hear. But, we will put that in context (because it is a bit misleading) after the news, which is as follows: July 2019 LSAT registrants have reached 20,000. For context, on May 7th we reported July registrant numbers of 11,500. These new numbers represent an almost 75 percent increase in registrants since then; and there are still a few days left to sig
Read full postThe registration deadline for the July LSAT administration is fast approaching. If you want to take this test you'll need to sign up by June 4th- the day after the June LSAT administration. General information about registering for July can be found here [https://www.lsac.org/lsat/lsat-dates-deadlines/july-2019-lsat-deadlines-united-states-canada-and-caribbean] . FYI, LSAC has recently raised registration fees [https://www.lsac.org/lsat/lsat-dates-deadlines-score-release-dates/lsat-cas-fees-and-
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