So we do have some post-June information now that LSAC has updated their data with the scores from that test.
Approximately 440 non-LSAT applicants took the June 2019 LSAT, representing about 16.5% of all non-LSAT applicants this cycle. This is a significantly smaller percent than in prior 2018-2019 administrations, which each saw between 30 and 40 percent of the non-LSAT applicant pool at the time take the test. We remain above last year's non-LSAT count, with 3.67% of all applicants to date being-non-LSAT.

It's not immediately clear why June bucked the trend so much.
Score ranges did not change significantly on the higher end. Interestingly enough we actually had more people move into the 175+ range than the 170-174 range (small sample sizes lead to weird results). The 150-164 range remains notably more competitive than last year, and June increased that competitiveness, with a post-June growth of 1% in total number of scorers in that range. That might seem small, but when we’re working with such small differences from last year the margins matter.

For people on waitlists, June data very likely won’t create enough surplus high LSAT scores to impact ongoing waitlist movement, and we remain behind last year in the total 165+ volume.
We do not yet have final test taker count, though the final registrant count was reported to be approximately 18,000.
That's all for now- we'll keep an eye on application volume in the coming days to see how it compares to last years post-June volume. And the LSAT July looms large as far as test-taker registration volume.