
20 May 2019

2018-2019 Waitlist Movement and Advice, Mid-May Update

It's that time of year: waitlist movement time. Many first and second deposit deadlines have passed, and schools are starting the process of finalizing their entering 2019 classes. That's good news for thousands of nervous applicants who are sitting on waitlists anxiously hoping for news. Those of you who were around in the 2017-2018 cycle remember it as a summer of disappointment. The dramatic 7.9% increase in LSAT applicants in that cycle overwhelmed many schools unprepared for such drastic

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25 Apr 2019

The June LSAT and Waitlists

Registration for the June 2019 LSAT closed yesterday. Most people who are signed up for that LSAT administration are going to be using it to apply in the 2019-2020 cycle. But as law school applicants become increasingly savvy to the importance of LSAT scores in admissions, many applicants are re-taking the test in June to improve their chances of getting off a waitlist. Last year alone an additional 7% of June LSAT takers were retaking the test over historical averages—many presumably in hopes o

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21 Feb 2019

Every piece of Spivey Consulting Law School Waitlist Advice

It's that time of year again — law schools are beginning to place applicants on the dreaded waitlist. Luckily, we have two helpful resources if you've been waitlisted this cycle.

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03 Jun 2018

Update from the road

Some brief things I've heard from week 1 of travel that might be of interest to applicants. 1. Another WL wave is likely coming soon. That said, the general consensus is that this will be a slow summer as far as WL movement. Most schools feel "content" (precise word I keep hearing) with where they are right now. 2. The ABA ditching 503 might not be as much of a slam dunk as I (and my collegue Dave Killoran at PowerScore) have thought (see our blog on the topic [h

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20 Apr 2018

Don't Make This Common Wait List Mistake

Dear Dartmouth Law Office of Admissons: My friend, Ramsay Bolton, just withdrew as an admitted student and will be matriculating to another law school. I realize this opens up a place at Dartmouth Law, and believe I would be a great fit for your incoming class. DLS has always been my top choice and, if admitted for this spot, I would immediatly deposit. Most Sincerely, Theon Greyjoy A couple of things. 1. Just about every [actually exisiting] law school will get a letter like this, and

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22 Mar 2018

How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest

Happy March! This time of year in law school admissions means admitted student events, the release of law school rankings, and the inevitable waitlist questions—the most common of those waitlist questions being “what should I write in my LOCI?” LOCI stands for Letter of Continuing Interest, a communication that you typically send after being waitlisted to let a school know that you are still interested. This is a necessary step in trying to get admitted off any waitlist. What is an LOCI? An LO

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15 Aug 2017

Getting Admitted Below Both Medians (here's how we did it)

Keep Calm and Trust the System: Advice from a Below-Both-Medians Student Who Got Accepted to Her (T-14) Dream School Your LSAT didn’t go as well as planned, and you swear you remember your GPA in undergrad being higher than the number on your transcript. You’re below both medians, but you’ve managed to pull off a waitlist at your dream school. Congratulations! The good news is: you might have a better chance than you think of getting accepted (full disclosure I worked directly with Mike at Spiv

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15 Apr 2016

An hour of waitlist advice with 2 Admissions Deans (and one us)

The webinar panelist: Sarah Zearfoss, Dean of Admissions, Univeristy of Michigan School of Law Maria Rivera, Assistant Dean of Admissions, University of Texas School of Law Mike Spivey, The Spivey Consulting Group Moderator Don Macaulay, Esq., President of BARBRI Law Preview Here is the link: https://lawpreview.barbri.com/webinar-waitlist-placement/

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11 Apr 2016


This webinar will be hosted by BARBRI and attended by: * Sarah Zearfoss, Dean of Admissions, University of Michigan School of Law * Maria Rivera, Assistant Dean of Admissions, University of Texas School of Law * Mike Spivey, The Spivey Consulting Group Join us by signing up, here. It's FREE! https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&referrer=&eventid=1162511&sessionid=1&key=AF23D009FACE49E91EAAE1CEC3568E3A®Tag=&sourcepage=register [

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03 Apr 2016

Underwhelmed with your results at elite schools? Read Below

Here is what is (barring C&F and sloppy application factors) happening. For the first time in 6 years, schools at the top have an almost categorical uptick in applications, and many are being overly gleeful and selective. But if you look at the raw numbers versus percentages — there are still going to be more losers than winners for law schools where the highly coveted applicants attend, and many schools will have to scramble later. It will just take longer than before. Stay in touch with said

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