
15 Aug 2013

It's application season! (T/30 application release dates dates) Edit: NOW T/50 Law Schools.

By school: Yale1-OctHarvard15-SepStanford1-SepColumbia1-SepChicago15-AugNYU15-SepPenn1-Sep UVA1-SepBerkeley1-SepMichigan Ann Arbor1-SepDuke1-SepNorthwestern1-SepCornell 15-AugGeorgetown10-SepUT Austin1-SepVanderbilt1-SepUCLA1-SepUSC Gould1-Sep Minnesota Twin Cities1-SepWashington University STL1-SepGeorge Washington1-Oct Alabama1-SepEmory1-SepNotre Dame1-OctIndiana Bloomington1-SepIowa1-SepWashington and Lee1-SepU Washington1-OctArizona State1-SepBoston University1-SepBoston College15-SepUNC Ch

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14 Aug 2013

How about applying early(er) in the cycle. Did it ever help? Does it help now?

Again, from the website and work of Daniel Planview aka elterrible78 on top-law-schools.com @http://admissionsbythenumbers.blogspot.com/ . All of the same disclaimers apply to my most recent blog, (As in the last blog I have edited down a small amount of his posts)  and I will provide a separate post interpreting this and projecting forward by 8/15/2013. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, a little explanation.  In organizing the data, I bro

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01 Aug 2013

Admissions deadlines for 2013/14 by law school rank (T-100)

*Subject to change by school. A small number of these were “best guesses” from the admissions offices of the respective schools. Yale15-MarHarvard1-FebStanford1-FebColumbia15-FebChicago1-FebNYU15-FebPenn1-Mar UVA1-MarBerkeley1-FebMichigan Ann Arbor31-MarDuke15-FebNorthwestern1-MarCornell 1-FebGeorgetown1-MarUT Austin1-MarVanderbilt1-AprUCLA1-FebUSC Gould1-Feb Minnesota Twin Cities1-AprWashington University STL1-AprGeorge Washington1-Mar Alabama(rolling)Emory1-MarNotre Dame15-MarIndiana Blooming

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16 Apr 2013

Mistake #4: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

See previous – Mistake #5: "Oxymoronic" LSAT Advice [https://spiveyconsulting.ghost.io/mistake-5-oxymoronic-lsat-advice/] Update 3/27/2020 There is nothing more difficult in the admissions process than being wait-listed. For 175+ years as a company we have seen students in law school admissions who have been admitted, wait-listed and denied, and they nearly universally express that the denial was easier than languishing on a wait-list for a drawn-out period. The irony is that just about every

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28 Aug 2012

“My application is complete but it has not yet gone under review while others have. What gives?" (Part 2 of 2)

Fall means a few things in the world of admissions—one of the most repetitious being the panic that ensues between the time an applicant’s admissions file goes from “incomplete” to “complete” to the time said applicant hears from the admissions office which decision has been rendered: “Admit,” “Priority Waitlist,” “Waitlist,” “Hold,” or  “Deny” (someone remind me to do a post on what each of these categories really means). So before the hundreds if not thousands of threads pop up all of the vari

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03 Aug 2012

What happens to your application once it is submitted to the admissions office? (Part 1 of 2)

There is often a shroud of mystery among applicants once they submit their applications. Questions on popular prospective student message boards such as “why is it taking my application so long to get a decision versus other people who submitted after me?” and “what is holding up my application from going complete?” are rife every year. Sparing you the boring details, here is how the process works (noting that I am not speaking for any one of the more than 200 ABA-approved law schools, but rathe

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