Personal Statements

10 Apr 2015

Transfer Personal Statement

Here is a personal statement from last year’s transfer cycle we think worked very well. The results were equally strong, 1 (top 6) school applied to, 1 (top 6) admit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dissolution of Dewey & LeBoeuf in 2012 led to my realization that the law is like classical music. Dewey’s implosion occurred the spring before I had planned to begin law school; it was the same year that I first applied to Princeton Law. As I

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17 May 2014

The Top 10 Law School Personal Statement Mistakes

1. Not proofreading your own work. We’ve all been there: we just want to be done with the darn thing and send it off.  You’ve looked at it many, many times, dissecting every word and comma but you missed that you wrote pubic instead of public. Not the same word! We are not the best judge of our own tone because *we *know what we meant to convey, but does someone else reading it know what you meant?  Have someone read it. Then, before submitting, read again. Out l

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17 Jul 2013

A Personal Statement that worked!

This is the word for word Personal Statement (who gave me permission to use it) of an applicant who elevated above a top law school’s medians and was admitted. Kudos to her and many thanks for letting me share! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sit and I play.  I play until it is too dark to read my music.  Then comes that indescribable moment, sought by all musicians, when thinking becomes subordinate to instinct. The music is no longer just s

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