
28 Apr 2023

Podcast: "Everything"

In this short episode of Status Check with Spivey, Mike talks about the widespread notion that, even beyond whatever specific and concrete challenges we each may be facing, there is an added factor of "everything" (in today's society, in life) that can sometimes feel crushing.

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11 Mar 2023

Podcast: On Dream Schools

In this episode of Status Check with Spivey, Mike talks to Spivey Consulting's COO Anna Hicks-Jaco about a question from Reddit—one that we hear many times every year. "How do I stop being so attached to my dream school?"

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12 Oct 2022

Podcast: Catastrophizing in Admissions (& Why It's Going to Be Okay)

In this short episode of Status Check with Spivey, Mike talks about applicants' (deeply understandable) tendency to catastrophize in law school admissions.

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28 Jan 2022

We get rejected, too.

As we head into the thick of decision season, law school admissions offices are beginning to send out the inevitable rejection waves. Rejection hurts, but it is also a fundamental human experience, and we all feel its effects sometimes.

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08 Jan 2022

Uncertainty in Admissions

On our most recent podcast with current applicant "Barb," who has yet to receive responses to any of her applications, we spoke a good deal about the uncertainty of the admissions process.

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09 Jun 2021

Self-Care Summer for Law School, College & Graduate School

Linked below are three podcasts from internationally acclaimed psychiatrists, speakers and authors: Dr. Guy Winch, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Dr. Kristin Neff (and a blog from me for no great reason).

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24 May 2021

A Message from a Recent Law School Graduate Who Beat the Odds

I was flying back to Colorado from a work trip at about 35,000 feet when I saw this post on LinkedIn, and I immediately wanted to share it with others.

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12 Feb 2021

Conditional vs. Unconditional Self-Esteem & How it Significantly Influences College and Law School Choice

This is a PSA of sorts, but to me it's much more important than an announcement. It's perspective. Healthy. It is from personal experience in that I have lived both sides of this life.

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08 Feb 2021

Podcast: Anything is Possible

For today's podcast, a little something different — some advice on resiliency in the face of watching others succeed in the ways you'd like to be succeeding.

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16 Jan 2021

Podcast: Interviews with Law School Applicants About the Admissions Process

In this podcast, Mike Spivey interviews groups of current law school applicants about their experiences with the admissions process — what has surprised them, how they've handled the stress, what they expect for the future, and what advice they would give to someone at the beginning of the process.

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