03 Dec 2017

"Help, I just failed the LSAT" December 2017 Edition

Amazingly, I have heard that exact line before. More than once. I’ve also heard thousands of times, “I way underperformed, I am doomed.” Indeed, I’ve heard from about 40 people in the last 20 hours who think just that. There are hundreds more out there who think the same right now. For so many reasons, you can’t fail the LSAT. And because I have seen the following scenario unfold so many times, I wanted to give some facts. Not an overblown pep talk or a feel good story. Just a few basic facts.

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15 Sep 2017

It's a Trap

I now have almost 19 years experience watching LSAT-takers fall prey to one of the most prevalent test day mistakes. But before I share that, let me go back about 25 years, to when I was in college, and embarrass myself a bit. It all relates I promise. Like many of you, when I was a cash-strapped college student I did psychology experiments for money. One such experiment had me in a small, mirrored room listening to instructions about how I was to receive 10 worded math questions (does anyone l

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20 May 2017

About that new LSAT Policy…

If you haven't heard, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) recently announced a change in their LSAT retake policy. Whereas prior to this change, law school applicants were limited to three LSAT administrations within a two-year period, applicants can now take an unlimited number of tests. Additionally, LSAT takers who have taken three or more LSATs in the last two years can now register for the September LSAT. This raises an important question: Should you take the LSAT 3+ times? The stand

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06 Apr 2017

Creating an LSAT Prep Study Calendar

Thanks to LSATMax LSAT Prep [] for this guest blog! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All right, so you've decided to take the LSAT and go to law school. How can you optimize your LSAT prep [] experience to ensure you do as well as possible on this all-important exam? As we've written, top LSAT scorers [] are consist

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06 Apr 2017

How the Top Scorers Prepare for the LSAT

Thanks to LSATMax LSAT Prep [] for this guest blog! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, you know that your LSAT score is incredibly important for your law school admissions prospects and future success as a lawyer. But how, you may wonder, can you optimally prepare for this über-important exam? To get the most out of your LSAT prep [], strive to achieve (1) consistent, (2) engaged, and (3

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01 Jun 2016

Urbach-Wiethe Disease [and the LSAT]

A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN known as SM blithely reaches for poisonous snakes, giggles in haunted houses and once, upon escaping the clutches of a knife-wielding man, didn’t run but calmly walked away. A rare kind of brain damage precludes her from experiencing fear of any sort. (Source: Wired [].) Urbach-Wiethe disease is the name for the rare disorder, so rare that there have only been about 400 reported cases in history. I learned about this disease t

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06 May 2016
04 May 2016

Want to Nth Degree your LSAT studying? Do this...

On Memorial Day this year, both Karen Buttenbaum and I will run a 10k race -- The BolderBoulder. It's a wonderful event with about 55,000 people, mostly in costumes eating bacon, drinking beer, and launching themselves down slip and slides as they run. But that isn't for me because I am absurdly competitive. So I will be running it to beat my time last year, and hopefully some people much more fit and runner-y than me. Fortunately, I have an advantage. I live 45 seconds from the start of the B

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27 Jan 2016

Feb LSAT: What's important now

Below is an email I just sent to a client (with a few changes for confidentiality), which was in response to triple checking with a school to make sure they would honor an exemption they gave her. To her credit, she immediately got what I was saying...despite my comically poor analogy (included below). We are seeing many more people this year worry deeply about things completely out of their control, and right before the looming test. So I thought I would include here, in case it helps you too.

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03 Dec 2015

The Hay Is In The Barn

I woke up this morning too early and already putting on my running shoes. I have a qualifying race this Saturday and I wanted to get some miles in — I craved it despite the fact that the expert advice was to NOT run today. They hay, the experts have told me, is already in the barn. This makes total sense, of course. There is nothing I can do over the next two days to make real positive gains in my time. There is, however, a lot I can do to negatively impact me: not sleeping, over-training, psych

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