
01 Apr 2020

LSAT score restoration ("zombie scores") numbers

This is a first ever, and we are grateful to LSAC for sharing this data with us.

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02 Mar 2020

Cycle Data as of March 1st

Hi everyone, we're back with another data update. February is over, and it's been an interesting month for applicant and application volume. At this point last cycle, we had about 75% of our final applicant volume.

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30 Jan 2020

Cycle Data as of January 29th

Going forward we'll resume posting these after the 1st of each new month, but we'll be a bit too busy watching the Super Bowl to write this up on Sunday, so you get it now!

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10 Jan 2020

Brief LSAT Volume Update

LSAC has published the final counts for the November 2019 LSAT.

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02 Jan 2020

2019-2020 Cycle Volume as of January 1st

Happy New Year everyone! This marks the start of the "2020" part in the "2019-2020" application cycle.

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29 Dec 2019

Analyzing and Understanding Conditional Scholarships

One of the most important factors when deciding where to attend law school is an applicant's financial aid package.

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19 Dec 2019

Mid-December Data Update

November 2019 LSAT scores are being released today. Congratulations to all those who took that test!

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15 Dec 2019

An in-depth analysis of the 2019 law school admissions & entering class data

The ABA has released the 2019 509 reports, so it's time for us to dive in and see what kind of information and trends can be gleaned from the data.

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13 Dec 2019

Entering Class Data for Every ABA Law School

The link to all of the entering class data for every ABA-approved law school from the official 509 reports is here.

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02 Dec 2019

2019-2020 Cycle Volume as of December 1st

We're now a few months into the 2019-2020 application cycle, and while it's still pretty early, a few trends are starting to emerge.

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