Company Information

31 Oct 2018

Capacity Update, October 31st

With the additions of  Delphine Byrd, Kevin Petty and Laura Wrobel from the admissions offices of  Florida, Chicago and Duke Law Schools (bios here []), we project room in the very near future to take an additional 20-30 clients. Those spots will go quickly, so please contact us at to set up a time to speak with a consultant to see if we can help!

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10 Sep 2018

New Hire(s), Capacity Update and Next (2019/2020)​ Cycle RSVPs

A quick announcement that we have just made a hire for an admissions consultant with top 10 law school admissions experience and expect to make another with T10 experience in the next week or so. More this week on the bio of our new hire and hopefuly a second to come! In respect to capacity, this/these should go a long way toward freeing up our substantial wait list and opening room for availability. Thanks to everyone for bearing with us, as we were deliberate and extremely careful in adding m

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21 Aug 2018

Capacity Update 8/21/2018

I wanted to write with a brief update of our capacity. This cycle has been unlike any other for us regarding consulting inquiries, both from prospective students and from law schools. We have seen more interest, by a good margin, than any previous year. For prospective law students applying this cycle, i.e. 2018/2019, we are currently on a waitlist of about 60 people. We have been interviewing a number of former admissions officers who have application and admissions experience so that we can t

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13 Jul 2018

Spivey Consulting Client Capacity Update

With the recent addition of Tom Robinson to our team from Harvard Law, we are about at 60% capacity. That said, as in the past few cycles, we expect to reach capacity around September or October. Every year we get an incredibly large number of inquiries in December through February from people who are slightly underperforming their cycle who we can't take — please consider that if you are considering us. We also just recently re-upped our LST Pro Package [] so tha

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20 Jun 2018

The Spivey Consulting Leadership Coaching Program

After two years of planning and development, we are thrilled to announce that our Leadership Coaching Program is now taking clients. This program, led by Harvard and Duke Law graduates Rob Cacace [] and Amy Killoran [], both trained leadership coaches from Georgetown's premier Leadership Coaching center, will be offered to only a limited number of initial clients and at a reduced rate. Previous Spivey C

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12 Jun 2018

Let the New Cycle Begin!

This is going to be a lengthy post that covers multiple different topics, so much so that it gets the "one blog to rule them all" picture above. It involves this current cycle (first post), the upcoming cycle (next two posts), and some major announcements on our end. There is a lot going on, and I wanted to say I'm excited as ever for the upcoming cycle (which is going to be a very intersting one to follow — if you noticed our tweet, LSAT registrations this summer are up 24% from last year), hon

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13 Feb 2018

Remaining Capacity for 2017/2018, and Reserving Spots for next cycle 2018/2019

A note on our remaining capacity — we have had a few spots open up for applications for the 2017/2018 cycle, and we still have room for a la carte wait list and scholarship negotiation help for this cycle as well. We are approximately 40% full for NEXT cycle (2018/2019), so reserve your spot now as we still have locked in prices at the current rates for upcoming clients, and every year we have hit capacity earlier than the year before. Want one of those spots? All you need to do is send us an

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02 Feb 2018

Where to find us posting [free] message board advice online

It's a tough cycle, so we are going to try to double down on giving out some advice when we have extra time and hope that it helps. Also note we will break all data, rankings, etc. first at Come find us so we can help. 1: 2:

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21 Jan 2018

A parable on being both an Admissions Dean and Pre-Law Advisor

By Nikki Laubenstein, Senior Consultant at The Spivey Consulting Group When my daughter was little and she asked what I did for my job, I told her that I let students into law school. To which she responded, “Oh, so you open the door for them?” I of course thought about it and said that was exactly what I did! As an assistant dean of admissions, I enjoyed that my job involved opening doors to student’s law school dreams and helping them to discover their passion for studying law. This work, how

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04 Nov 2017

Reserve a spot for the 2018/2019 Law School Admissions Cycle

We are already getting a number of calls and emails about the NEXT (2018/2019) law school admissions cycle – and we still have locked in prices at the current rates for upcoming clients. And every year we hit capacity earlier than the year before. Want one of those spots? All you need to do is send us an email with a brief bio about yourself and let us know that “yes, I would like to reserve a spot” — it is that simple. We will be in touch In January to discuss specifics. But until then rest as

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