
25 Apr 2016


Because I have been there (we all have) and because I spend hours a week discussing this singular topic -- I'd like to breakdown what if means when you email an admissions office (or hiring partner for that matter) and they do not respond. Before I do, let's set the backdrop. If you were to email me and I were not to respond, you likely wouldn't notice or care. Or, you would assume I am on vacation (if only), or very busy (bingo!). What you wouldn't do is re-read your sent email 100 times, and

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15 Apr 2016

An hour of waitlist advice with 2 Admissions Deans (and one us)

The webinar panelist: Sarah Zearfoss, Dean of Admissions, Univeristy of Michigan School of Law Maria Rivera, Assistant Dean of Admissions, University of Texas School of Law Mike Spivey, The Spivey Consulting Group Moderator Don Macaulay, Esq., President of BARBRI Law Preview Here is the link:

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11 Apr 2016


This webinar will be hosted by BARBRI and attended by: * Sarah Zearfoss, Dean of Admissions, University of Michigan School of Law * Maria Rivera, Assistant Dean of Admissions, University of Texas School of Law * Mike Spivey, The Spivey Consulting Group Join us by signing up, here. It's FREE!®Tag=&sourcepage=register [

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04 Apr 2016

USNWR Law School Rankings & How to Choose a Law School Podcast

Just click on the link and let it roll -Mike

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03 Apr 2016

Underwhelmed with your results at elite schools? Read Below

Here is what is (barring C&F and sloppy application factors) happening. For the first time in 6 years, schools at the top have an almost categorical uptick in applications, and many are being overly gleeful and selective. But if you look at the raw numbers versus percentages — there are still going to be more losers than winners for law schools where the highly coveted applicants attend, and many schools will have to scramble later. It will just take longer than before. Stay in touch with said

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16 Mar 2016

1 Hour of Free Waitlist Advice!

Karen Buttenbaum and Mike Spivey answer questions for an hour on how to best position yourself to get admitted off of the waitlist, hosted by 7Sage. [

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19 Jan 2016

One hour of free law school admissions advice!

This webinar, with Mike Spivey and Jenn Kopolow, may be particularly helpful for those applying to the 2016/17 cycle wanting to get a head start on admissions strategy. We hope it helps! [] Interested in more free advice and law admission data? Follow us on Twitter @SpiveyConsult Interested in working with us to submit the very best of law school applications? We are at: in

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01 Jan 2016

12 minute [video] of the single most important aspect to law school admissions

Many thanks to Mike Kim of The LSAT Trainer and LSATTERS for setting this up. Here is the link to the video:

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30 Nov 2015

The Curious Reality of Letters of Recommendation

I'm going to share in this blog an admissions truth that you've probably never heard before and that might sound counterintuitive to you: Letters of Recommendation don't particularly help. Sounds odd, right? Why would all law schools ask for them if they don’t? And why wouldn’t they help – after all they are about the only part of the application that isn’t either coming directly from you (e.g. application, essays, interview, etc.) or a direct result of your performance and track record (e.g.

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30 Oct 2015

Applicant Considerations in an "Up" Cycle

This cycle will be more competitive than the last for many law school applicants. Indeed, we thought this might be the case way back in March [] and the June (up 10% for first-time test takers) and October (up 7.1 %) data coupled with conversations we have had with numerous law schools (almost all up) would seem to put an exclamation point on it. More applicants ostensibly equates to more competition (a bit on

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