Fox Fact: Foxes can retract their claws as cats do, have vertical pupils (like cats) which allow them to see better in the dark, and have cat-like sensitive whiskers.

Blog & Podcasts

27 Jun 2020

University, College, and Law School COVID-19 Update & An Alternative Model

COVID-19 isn't going anywhere in the near future, yet only 3 law schools and only 8% of universities and colleges have announced they will be entirely remote for fall 2020.

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18 Jun 2020

Podcast: Academics, Athletics, and COVID-19

Mike was asked by a affiliate to speak about higher education as it relates to the upcoming fall athletic season.

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12 Jun 2020

Pro Bono LSAT Coaching

We are excited to announce that we are facilitating free LSAT coaching this summer for low-income and underrepresented minority students.

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12 Jun 2020

GRE vs. LSAT in the rankings

Despite being a few years into those scores factoring into the methodology, there remains a great deal of confusion about how exactly GRE scores stack up to LSAT scores when calculating law school rankings.

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11 Jun 2020

Podcast: Recession Job Search Tips You Won’t Hear from Career Services

Mike Spivey served as a law school dean of career services during the Great Recession, and in this podcast he shares actionable advice for legal networking that you won't hear from your CSO.

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10 Jun 2020
05 Jun 2020

Podcast: Harvard Law Goes Fully Remote for Fall 2020. Will Other Law Schools Follow Suit and What It Means for Applicants

In this podcast, Spivey Consulting Group founder Mike Spivey discusses Harvard Law School's recent announcement that all classes will be held fully remotely for Fall 2020 — what does it mean for other law schools, for international students, the ABA, and current applicants?

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02 Jun 2020

Early 2020-2021 Cycle Data

As June begins, we're coming up on the close of the 2019-2020 application cycle and the start of 2020-2021.

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27 May 2020

All Things [Admissions] Considered

There are thousands of ways to differentiate yourself, this is just what we came up with to serve as a helpful starting point.

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26 May 2020

What law schools do legal academics come from?

A guest poster combined the spreadsheets from the 2012-2020 PrawfsBlawg "entry level hiring report" series and did a post based on the results which he then gave us permission to blog.

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22 May 2020

LSAT Numbers this cycle

We don't have final May LSAT Flex numbers yet, but 2019-2020 is going to be down in both total registrants and first timers compared to last year.

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20 May 2020
18 May 2020

The Bimodal Salary Of Starting Lawyers

Too few applicants know this — this is actually what starting salaries look like for those right out of law school.

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17 May 2020

Video: Top 5 Scholarship Negotiation Tips

From Spivey Consulting's Derek Meeker, former Dean of Admissions at Penn Law.

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07 May 2020

Predicting the COVID-19 Summer Of Law School Waitlist Movement

Early in my admissions career, a former boss of mine would often use the following Niels Bohr quote when speaking of law school admissions: “prediction is difficult, especially when it involves the future.”

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06 May 2020

Spivey Consulting Capacity Update

A few quick updates we wanted to share.

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30 Apr 2020

Schools are now confirming in large numbers they will be open. What questions did we not answer?

As I write this, the Texas Tech President is being interviewed by CNN on how they plan on opening on campus, which is remarkably similar to how we described in our most recent podcast a few days ago.

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28 Apr 2020

Podcast: Universities, Colleges, and Law Schools Plan to Be Open On Campus This Fall

In this podcast, Spivey Consulting Group founder and higher education expert Mike Spivey discusses the plans universities are making to resume on-campus operations this fall, as well as challenges to those plans from the medical community.

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27 Apr 2020
26 Apr 2020

List of Colleges Who Have Commented on Reopening Plans

We will have an update on how we project things will unfold by May 4th.

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